Brand DNA
and strategy

Are you feeling a little lost? Or your brand is perhaps lacking in energy and engagement? Reviewing your brand direction and redefining your purpose is a great way to revitalise your identity, devise new plans and reach different audiences. This doesn’t always mean starting from scratch, we look to evaluate and keep what’s already great about your brand and find a new narrative to ensure this is the focus of your story. Ensuring consistency and care is delivered on every touchpoint to elevate your business to where you want to be.


Our three stage DNA process

Stage 01: Define

Looking into your brand boggles to understand what isn’t working and why. Identifying what needs are to be met and acknowledging your new goals and ambitions. We usually hold this in a workshop session, followed by a research and development period to establish a point of view and define a new direction and vision for your brand.

Stage 02: Narrate

Once we have a set vision we can begin developing your new brand story angle. Taking what we have learned so far and tighten up your core brand values and messaging. Including a brand identity review to ensure this aligns with your new vision and mission.

Stage 03: Authenticate

This is validation. Getting all your assets in place to consistently deliver your brand across all your relevant touch points. Deliverables may be few, or many, but the importance of authentically delivering your message and purpose is what will help transform your business.

Talk to us if you want to find out how our DNA process can elevate your brand.


Are you looking to refresh or level-up your existing brand?


Are you looking for a creative and competitive campaign?