Digital marketing specialist Jade joins the biscuit tin

Jade’s passion for bringing people together was fuelled by her experience leading a vast and growing business networking group during the global pandemic. Through her professional relationships, Jade discovered that many business owners, service providers, and community projects knew the impact that a solid social media presence could achieve for them but hadn’t yet committed to it. With her wealth of leadership experience and proven retail productivity, Jade confidently fosters, connects, and amplifies her personal and professional relationships to enhance business networks, support new ventures, and connect communities both on and offline.

What makes Jade’s business special is that she has built a business solely on positive word of mouth. Her approach is to support individuals, partnerships, and companies in identifying what they want to achieve, rather than what they think they might need. By utilising her expertise and creativity to execute a bespoke plan, Jade enables her clients to flourish and champions their successes.

In less than three years since The Social Planner’s inception, Jade’s services have become invaluable to many, and her adaptability and flexibility make her an asset to any organisation, big or small, looking to create or expand upon their digital presence. The Social Planner is able to offer a wide array of services, including exhibition solutions, voiceover features, event planning and management, and more.

Jade recently won Sole Trader of the Year at the Your Partnerships awards and Brand Biscuit was there to cheer all the way. Her extremely positive and can-do attitude around people supporting people compliments our studio ethos. Jade’s bubbly energy fills the studio with smiles and laughter daily and we are super grateful to have her passion and skills to elevate every Biscuit collaboration.

If you struggle with Social Media posting, are scrabbling for content or are confused by Canva, then pop in and speak to Jade about a marketing strategy that works for you and your business needs.


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